New Zealand Predator Free 2050

Predator Control Data Standard Quick Reference Guide

When New Zealand achieves Predator Free 2050, it will be due in no small part to thousands of dedicated volunteers and conservation staff who have logged endless hours trekking through unforgiving landscapes to check traps, creating and assessing predator manspecies_agement plans, and managing and analysing data to feed back into planning.
Achieving Predator Free 2050 will also rely on making the best use of existing tools, and coming up with new tools and approaches. Underpinning both of these will be the effective manspecies_agement, sharing and analysis the vast and invaluable amount of predator control data that is already collected daily across New Zealand and is set to only increase.
However, integrating such heterogeneous data, collected by multiple people from multiple devices in multiple locations, remains a challenge due to the significant variations that can occur in observational scales, collection protocols, and terminologies (König C., et al., 2019).
To overcome data integration challenges around predator control data, a call for standards has emerged from those working at all levels, from communities up to species_agencies and government. Creating and implementing a ‘data standard’ has its challenges, but previous successes have shown that they can be overcome by recognising the issues around data manspecies_agement and having the motivation to address them in a collective manner.



device_uuid device_model_uuid device_status device_count
device Class
DefinitionA device is a piece equipment used to catch or detect predators.
The device element is the collection of properties that describes a particular piece of equipment or a particulat set of equipment.
CommentsA single report element can contain many device elements, with each device element representing a distinct piece of equipment or a component of a single piece of equipment. Equipment can be reported with a device_model_uuid element for each component, will allow for analysis of component performance e.g. Trap versus Trap and Trap Housing.
ExamplesDOC200 Trap, Sentry Bait Station, Celium Node
device_uuid PropertyMandatory
DefinitionUniversally Unique Identifier (UUID) of a particular device or group of devices.
CommentsA device_uuid should be used when the tracking of predator control equipment is required for asset management, performance and analysis purposes.
The system tracking the device and publishing the dataset is responsible for generating the UUID. Once set and/or published, the device_uuid should not change.
device_model_uuid PropertyMandatory
DefinitionUniversally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the device_model.
CommentsRefer device_model definition for more details.
device_status ClassOptional
Definition# Go to definition.
CommentsApplicable when used inside report element.
device_count PropertyOptional
DefinitionNumber of distinct devices of device_type and device_model at the location used to catch or detect predators.
CommentsApplicable when used inside report element. Default and assumed value if device_count data is missing is 1.
A device_count greater than 1 will indicate report data is aggregated and collected from multiple devices over a period of time and/or within an area of coverspecies_age.
Examples1, 5


device_model_uuid device_model_name device_model_type
device_model Class
DefinitionThe models, or components of device used to catch or detect predators.
Comments Recommend device_model values are stored and published via cloud-based API and based on commercially available products in New Zealand. It is recognized that new devices will be developed over time and the cloud-based API may not provide for all devices in use. Examples included for demonstration and discussion purposes only.

{ "device_model" : [ { "device_model_uuid": "352E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A", "device_model_type" : "Trap", "device_model_name" : "DOC200" } ] }
ExamplesDOC200, Timms, Goodnature A24, Sentry Bait Station, Protecta Eco Ambush Rat Bait Station
device_model_uuid PropertyMandatory
DefinitionUniversally Unique Identifier (UUID) of a particular device_model.
device_model_name PropertyMandatory
DefinitionThe name of model of used to catch or detect predators.
ExamplesDOC200, Timms, Goodnature A24, Sentry Bait Station, Protecta Eco Ambush Rat Bait Station
device_model_type PropertyMandatory
DefinitionThe broad class of device_model used to catch or detect predators.
ExamplesTrap, Bait Station, Telemetry Device


status_type status_value
device_status Class
DefinitionCollection of properties that describes the state of a device used to catch or detect predators.
CommentsEach status is represented as a status_type, status_value pair.
Examples XML

    <status_type>Trigger Count</status_type>

{ "device_status" : [ { "status_type" : "Arrival", "status_value" : "Set" }, { "status_type" : "Trigger Count", "status_value" : "12" } ] }
status_type PropertyMandatory
DefinitionThe type of device status.
CommentsRecommend status_type values are stored and published via cloud-based API.
ExamplesArrival, Departure, Current, Trigger Count
status_value PropertyMandatory
DefinitionThe value associated with the device status_type. Can be string or integer.
CommentsRecommend string values are stored and published via cloud-based API.
ExamplesSet, Not Set, Triggered, 1, 12


location_uuid location_wkt location_attribute
location Class
DefinitionDescribes the location where the activity or event took place.
location_uuid PropertyOptional
DefinitionUniversally Unique Identifier (UUID) that identifies a location.
location_wkt PropertyOptional
CommentsWell-known text (WKT) representation of geometry. Refer All coordinates assumed WGS84 unless specified otherwise. It is recognized that in many circumstances sharing location information is sensitive. In these cases, care should be taken to obfuscate the actual location by reducing accuracy or using alternative, safe location data.
ExamplesPOINT(-175.123456 35.123456), POLYGON(-109.0 -85.6, -109.0 -84.6, -110.0 -84.6, -109.0 -85.6)
location_attribute PropertyOptional
DefinitionMore details regarding the particular location and any details that may improve analysis over time.
CommentsA particular location may have many location_attribute elements.
ExamplesUp Tree, Next To Stream


person_uuid name
person Class
DefinitionCollection of properties that describes the person captured the record-entry.
person_uuid PropertyMandatory
DefinitionUniversally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the person that captured the record-entry.
CommentsOnce published, the value should not change for the given person.
name PropertyOptional
DefinitionName of the person that captured the record-entry.
ExamplesJohn Doe


device location person report substance system
device ClassOptional
Definition# Go to definition.
location ClassOptional
Definition# Go to definition.
person ClassOptional
Definition# Go to definition.
report ClassOptional
Definition# Go to definition.
substance ClassOptional
Definition# Go to definition.
system ClassMandatory
Definition# Go to definition.


data_standard_version report_uuid type date_start date_end location device species substance person_uuid
report Class
DefinitionCollection of properties that describes an activity or event to catch or detect predators.
ExamplesA visit to inspect a trap. A report by a telemetry device installed on a trap. A visit to replenish a bait station. The aggregation of data collected during trap inspections over a period.
data_standard_version PropertyOptional
DefinitionVersion of the data standard.
CommentsIndicates to the consuming system what version of the standard the particular report adheres to.
report_uuid PropertyMandatory
DefinitionUniversally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the report record, generated by the system publishing the dataset.
CommentsThe value should be stored historically for data traceability.
type PropertyMandatory
DefinitionDefines the broad class of activity or event that took place.
CommentsRecommend list of valid values is stored and published via the cloud-based public API. Examples are for demonstration and discussion purposes only.
ExamplesCatch, Visit, Deployment, Decommission, Telemetry Trigger, Telemetry Report
date_start PropertyMandatory
DefinitionThe earliest date the report data covers/spans.
CommentsRecommended best practice is to use a date format that conforms to ISO 8601. All dates should be presented in the UTC timezone.
date_end PropertyMandatory
DefinitionThe latest date the report data covers/spans. For single point in time events or activities, date_end should match date_start.
CommentsRecommended best practice is to use a date format that conforms to ISO 8601. All dates should be presented in the UTC timezone.
location ClassOptional
Definition# Go to definition.
device ClassOptional
DefinitionGo to definition.
ExamplesA DOC200 trap, a bait station, a cage trap, a sensor device with telemetry.
species ClassOptional
Definition# Go to definition.
substance ClassOptional
Definition# Go to definition.
person_uuid PropertyOptional
DefinitionUniversally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the person that captured the record-entry.
CommentsRefer person definition for more details.


species_uuid species_common_name species_scientific_name species_age species_sex count target
species Class
DefinitionCollection of properties that describes the animal detected or caught at a location, during, or prior to, an activity or event.
ExamplesA juvenile Possum. A small mustelid, Mustela. An adult female Norway Rat.
species_uuid PropertyMandatory
DefinitionUniversally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the the animal detected or caught at a location, during, or prior to, an activity or event.
CommentsRecommend species_uuid data is stored and published via cloud-based API. Species may be grouped into sets to provide for layperson identification e.g. "small mustelid".
species_common_name PropertyOptional
DefinitionCommon name of the the animal detected or caught at a location, during, or prior to, an activity or event.
CommentsRecommend species_common_name data is stored and published via cloud-based API and data sourced from the New Zealand Organism Register. Examples listed are for demonstration and discussion purposes only.
ExamplesRat, Norway Rat, Ship Rat, Possum, Mustelid, Ferret
species_scientific_name PropertyOptional
DefinitionLatin name (genus species) of the the animal detected or caught at a location, during, or prior to, an activity or event.
CommentsRecommend species_scientific_name data is stored and published via cloud-based API and data sourced from the New Zealand Organism Register. Examples listed are for demonstration and discussion purposes only.
ExamplesRattus, Rattus norvegicus, Rattus rattus, Trichosurus vulpecula, Mustela, Mustela putorius furo
species_age PropertyOptional
DefinitionApproximate species_age of the the animal detected or caught at a location, during, or prior to, an activity or event.
CommentsRecommend species_age valid values are stored and published via cloud-based API.
ExamplesUnknown, Baby, Juvenile, Adult
species_sex PropertyOptional
DefinitionSex of the the animal detected or caught at a location, during, or prior to, an activity or event.
CommentsRecommend species_sex valid values are stored and published via cloud-based API.
ExamplesUnknown, Male, Female
species_count PropertyOptional
DefinitionNumber of individual animals detected or caught at a location, during, or prior to, an activity or event.
CommentsDefault and assumed value if count data is missing is 1.
Examples1, 3
species_target PropertyOptional
DefinitionIndicates if the animals detected or caught at a location, during, or prior to, an activity or event were the target species.
CommentsDefault and assumed value if target data is missing is True (or 1). Use the value False (or 0) to indicate bycatch.
ExamplesTrue or 1, False or 0


substance_uuid substance_type substance_name substance_status
substance Class
DefinitionCollection of properties that describes the type and state of a substance used to catch or detect predators.
ExamplesA single Chicken Egg as a Lure, 10g of Peanut Butter as a Lure, 28g of Brodaficoum as Bait
substance_uuid PropertyMandatory
DefinitionUniversally Unique Identifier (UUID) of substance used to catch or detect predators.
CommentsRecommend substance_uuid data is stored and published via cloud-based API.
substance_type PropertyMandatory
DefinitionType of substance used to catch or detect predators.
CommentsRecommend substance_type data is stored and published via cloud-based API.
ExamplesBait, Lure, Pre-Feed
substance_name PropertyOptional
DefinitionName of substance used to catch or detect predators.
CommentsRecommend substance_name data is stored and published via cloud-based API.
ExamplesChicken Egg, Peanut Butter, Ditrac, Brodifacoum, Bromadiolone, Diphacinone, Pindone
substance_status ClassOptional
Definition# Go to definition.


status_type status_value
substance_status Class
DefinitionCollection of properties that describes the state of a substance used to catch or detect predators.
CommentsEach status is represented as a status_type, status_value pair.
Examples XML

    <status_type>Grams Added</status_type>

{ "substance_status" : [ { "status_type" : "Arrival", "status_value" : "Gone" }, { "status_type" : "Grams Added", "status_value" : "28" } ] }
status_type PropertyMandatory
DefinitionThe type of substance status.
CommentsRecommend status_type values are stored and published via cloud-based API.
ExamplesArrival, Departure, Grams Added, Grams Removed, Grams Taken, Grams Remaining
status_value PropertyMandatory
DefinitionThe value associated with the substance status_type. Can be string or integer.
CommentsRecommend string values are stored and published via cloud-based API.
ExamplesGone, Bad, Intact, Partial, Replaced, Refreshed, 1, 12


system_uuid name data_standard_version project_name website_url contact_name contact_phone contact_email
system Class
DefinitionCollection of properties that describes the publisher of the dataset.
system_uuid PropertyMandatory
DefinitionUniversally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the person or subsystem that published the dataset.
CommentsOnce published, the value should not change for the given system.
name PropertyOptional
DefinitionName of the system that has published the dataset.
CommentsExamples included for demonstration and discussion purposes only.
ExamplesWalk the Line, Trap.NZ, CatchIT, EcoTrack
data_standard_version PropertyMandatory
DefinitionVersion of the data standard.
CommentsIndicates to the consuming system what version of the standard the dataset adheres to.
project_name PropertyOptional
DefinitionName of the project asoociated with the dataset or file.
ExamplesPredator Free Waiheke
website_url PropertyOptional
DefinitionWebsite URL of the project associated with the dataset or file.
contact_name PropertyOptional
DefinitionContact name associated with the dataset or file.
ExamplesJohn Smith
contact_phone PropertyOptional
DefinitionContact phone associated with the dataset or file.
CommentsRecommended best practice is to present the phone number in E.164 format. Refer
contact_email PropertyOptional
DefinitionContact email associated with the dataset or file.

Schema Diagram

New Zealand Predator Free 2050 Predator Control Data Standard Schema

Sample Data

Fully Qualified Field Name Field Name Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5
system.system_uuid system_uuid 152e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 152e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 152e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 152e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 152e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a name Some System Some System Some System Some System Some System
system.data_standard_version data_standard_version 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11
system.project_name project_name          
system.website_url website_url          
system.contact_name contact_name          
system.contact_phone contact_phone          
system.contact_email contact_email          
device_model.device_model_uuid device_model_uuid 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b  
device_model.device_model_name device_model_name DOC200 DOC200 Sentry Bait Station 200g Sentry Bait Station 200g DOC200
device_model.device_model_type device_model_type Trap Trap Bait Station Bait Station Trap
device.device_uuid device_uuid 352e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 352e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 352e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b 352e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b  
device.device_model_uuid device_model_uuid 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b  
location.location_uuid location_uuid a52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a a52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a a52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a a52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a e52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b
location.location_wkt location_wkt POINT(-175.123456 35.123456) POINT(-175.123456 35.123456) POINT(-175.123456 35.123456) POINT(-175.123456 35.123456) POLYGON(-109.0 -85.6, -109.0 -84.6, -110.0 -84.6, -109.0 -85.6)
location.location_attribute location_attribute On Ground On Ground On Ground On Ground
person.person_uuid person_uuid e52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a e52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a e52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a e52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a name Geoff Geoff Geoff Geoff  
species.species_uuid species_uuid A52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A       A52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A
species.species_common_name species_common_name Rat       Rat
species.species_scientific_name species_scientific_name          
substance.substance_uuid substance_uuid B52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A B52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A C52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A C52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A  
substance.substance_type substance_type Lure Lure Bait Bait  
substance.substance_name substance_name Chicken Egg Chicken Egg Brodaficoum Brodaficoum  
report.data_standard_version data_standard_version 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11
report.report_uuid report_uuid 252e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 252e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 252e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 252e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a c67d1bef-dbce-db87-4dfb-90eb9d65d8f2
report.type type Visit Visit Visit Visit Catch
report.date_start date_start 2019-06-05T14:10:15Z 2019-06-05T14:10:15Z 2019-06-05T14:10:15Z 2019-06-05T14:10:15Z 2020-02-01T00:00:00Z
report.date_end date_end 2019-06-05T14:10:15Z 2019-06-05T14:10:15Z 2019-06-05T14:10:15Z 2019-06-05T14:10:15Z 2020-02-29T23:59:59Z
report.location_uuid location_uuid a52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a a52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a a52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a a52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a e52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b
report.location.location_wkt location_wkt POINT(-175.123456 35.123456) POINT(-175.123456 35.123456) POINT(-175.123456 35.123456) POINT(-175.123456 35.123456) POLYGON(-109.0 -85.6, -109.0 -84.6, -110.0 -84.6, -109.0 -85.6)
report.location.location_attribute location_attribute On Ground On Ground On Ground On Ground
report.device.device_uuid device_uuid 352e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 352e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 352e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b 352e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b  
report.device.device_model_uuid device_model_uuid 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b 452e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7b  
report.device.device_status.status_type status_type Arrival Departure      
report.device.device_status.status_value status_value Triggered Set      
report.device.device_count device_count 1 1 1 1 20
report.substance.substance_uuid substance_uuid B52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A B52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A C52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A C52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A  
report.substance.substance_status.status_type status_type Arrival Departure Grams Taken Grams Added  
report.substance.substance_status.status_value status_value Gone Replaced 28 28  
report.species.species_uuid species_uuid A52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A       A52E11AC-B9FA-11E8-8D80-0220ED3BCA7A
report.species.species_age species_age Unknown        
report.species.species_sex species_sex Unknown        
report.species.species_count species_count 1       56
report.species.species_target species_target True       True
report.person_uuid person_uuid e52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a e52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a e52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a e52e11ac-b9fa-11e8-8d80-0220ed3bca7a